First Episode | Don Lino
The episodes of the Italian web series Italia Sicilia Gela will be streamed on a weekly basis
The first – of seven- episodes of the Italian web series Italia Sicilia Gela by Iacopo Patierno, which falls within the project Gela Le Radici del Futuro [meaning Gela, The Roots of the Future], tells the story of Father Pasquale Di Dio, also known as Lino. He is the beloved rector of the Church of St Augustine of Gela, a real
Thanks to his commitment, a shelter for the poor named Casa della Misericordia providing assistance and free counselling to hundreds of people was established in Gela.
“To me Gela is like an old mother who developed so many wrinkles because of us, her children… ”
Promozione turistica attraverso l’esperienza maturata da anni nella valorizzazione di vari settori integrata dal know how e professionalità della struttura operativa con collaborazioni specialistiche ricercando nuovi stimoli economici per la città di Gela.